How can I buy tickets to an event?  

  1. ONLINE through our website dirtoval66.com and the various links to official ticket partner etix. Do not purchase tickets from other websites!
  2. On RACE DAY you can buy tickets at the box office/gate after 4:00pm.     Tickets are always available on race day but we cannot guarantee wait times. 
  3. We encourage to buy in advance to guarantee saving money over day-of prices.
  4. Call our office line at 1-815-740-8000


What type of seating do you offer? 

Our facility is stadium style seating. We offer Reserved Seating or General Admission Seating.

 Reserved seating is typically available in section 101 and 401.

 All other seating is GENERAL ADMISSION.  General Admission (GA) refers to seating or standing areas that are not assigned or reserved, and are occupied on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Please note: The first ten rows of all sections may have restricted viewing.  



When you buy your tickets, and select “Print at Home OR Mobile Ticket” you receive an email with instructions on accessing them.



  • Turn up the screen brightness

  • One way you can ensure that your ticket will be handy is to save it in advance to your Apple or Google Wallet                

  • (This ensures the image will be stored on your phone so you won’t risk missing out because of a bad cellular connection)

  • P L E A S E, Have your mobile ticket with barcode pulled up on your phone before entering the bag check/entry gate line.  


What does “advanced” mean on the ticket pricing? 

Advanced pricing means buying your tickets in advance. All advance pricing ends 1 week prior to the event date. Ticket prices increase the week of the event (non advanced).

Advance Pricing: Discounted pricing up until the week of the event

Week Of Pricing: Prices increase the week of the event


Do I have to pay to print my tickets?  NO

What are the ages for Juniors?  

Juniors ages are 3-12.  Children 2 and under are FREE. Junior pricing applies to general admission grandstand tickets only. 


Do you have a handicap section?

Yes. We allow wheelchairs in a reserved area for handicap. 1 ticketed adult allowed with each wheelchair.


How many people are allowed to accompany a wheelchair in the ADA section? 

We allow ONE companion/friend seat per wheelchair. Due to high demand, this rule is enforced.


Where is Dirt Oval 66 Located? 

We are located at 3200 S Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois (Route 53 and Schweitzer) (East of Route 53 on Schweitzer)
The Dirt Oval is part of the Route 66 Raceway property.

  • ON EVENT DAY General Parking enter at Gate 13
  • For the Dirt Oval Office, enter at Gate 12 – non event days only
  • Competitors use gate 14 (unless otherwise noted)


Can I leave the event and re-enter? 

Only prior to 7pm (rule applies to team demo events only)


What time do parking lots open? 

4pm. However, some events may vary. Please visit the website for more information. Tailgating begins when parking lots open.


Do you charge for Parking?

 $5 per vehicle. Does not apply to all events. Please see the website for event specific information.


Do you have designated motorcycle parking? 

Yes, available near the front entrance, parking fees do apply.


Can I have a birthday or anniversary announced? 

Yes, visit the Fan Page info and make the request by the Friday before the event. 

Sorry, but Due to high demand, we do not allow same day announcements. 


Are we allowed to smoke in the grandstands?

No, tobacco products are not allowed in the grandstand area. We do offer a Smoking Section. Smoking is strictly prohibited and enforced in all spectator seating areas.


What should we do if severe weather approaches the facility? 

This facility may not provide protection from extremely high winds, tornadoes and lightning. KNOW YOUR PLAN. Severe weather alerts will be communicating by: *PA Announcements, *Twitter- @Dirtoval66. ***PERSONAL PROTECTION IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY***


Does the Dirt Oval host Corporate parties/Company outings?  

Absolutely. Space is limited and fills up quickly please call the office for more information 815-740-8000.


Do you have food and beverage available at your facility?

Yes. Concessions are open when gates open. We allow tailgating but we do not allow food or beverage into the facility. 


Is WILL CALL available?

Will Call is an option during the checkout process a $7 fee is added for all WILL CALL orders. You will need a valid ID for WILL CALL pick up.


The following items are PROHIBITED and may NOT enter the admission gates or facility. All items brought through the gates/facility are subject to inspection.

  • No outside food or beverage
  • No coolers
  • No alcohol or drugs (unless prescribed by a medical physician and medically necessary).
  • No bicycles, scooters, skateboards, or personal golf carts.
  • No Umbrellas
  • No pets (unless registered aide dog)
  • No aerosol cans of any kind.
  • No Fireworks
  • No Firearms
  • No Sharp Objects or Weapons
  • Folding chairs
  • Seat Cushions with arms or frame components
  • Selfie Sticks
  • Tripods and Monopods
  • Clothing with obscenities or offensive language